Messages received through
- Please find me some smug woman. (well done!)
- Probably wanted to host this on XXXXX, since you've crashed. Great idea on the site, too bad only a few of us 'get it'. Imagine if the public found out this six degrees is being piped back out to the NSA via strategically places XXXXX boxes at FB.
- Remove my profile from pages. XXXXXXXX XXXXXX
- remove me from your site now.
- Well done
- I understand that you collected data from facebook. If you have taken my information from facenbook and have posted it on your site. I am now offically telling you to remove it and to send me a confirmation emaiol that it has been removed.
- I bet you usually get hate mail from doing this. But I think this is great. I hope people really get to learn thanks to what you did.
- remove my profile if it is on this disgusting site. You have my name, remove my data that you took.
- I found a picture of mine on your site and would like for you to remove it, immediately. Thank you.
- Please remove my photo and information immediately.
- I am upset that you drew from pictures without permission.
- you suck!!
- mother fuckers
- Please remove my picture from your dating site. How did you get it in the first place anyway?
- Your site fucking blows.
- Please remove my face from your website immediately. I'm prepared to take legal action if you don't. Thank you
- this is not allowed. stop what you're doing!
- Your database is down. I can't check if you scraped my profile off Facebook and reposted it here without permission. If you have an XXXXXX XXXXX XXXXXX, please remove me.
- Is my picture on this site? If so where and why without my permission. Tell me where it is and how you are going to get this off ASAP. Please e-mail me back and let me know.
- this site is a piece of shit.
- this site is a piece of shit.
- Please remove
- this site is a piece of shit.
- you suck ass
- you suck ass
- this site is a piece of shit.
- if you have a profile of myself please remove it
- If you have any of my information, take it off.
- If i find my picture on here i will sue you as my name and face are trademarked.
- You 'forgot' to offer either 'United States' or 'American' as nationality options, which makes me think that you are basically just assholes.
- I just seen the report your site stole information from Facebook and wanted to make sure I did not have a profile created on your site with pics of me? My name is XXX XXXXXXX XX and email address is XXXXXXXXXXXX@XXXXXXX.XXX. If there is a profile and pics on it I would like it deleted immediately. XXX XXXXXXX XX
- You 'forgot' to offer either 'United States' or 'American' as nationality options, which makes me think that you are basically just assholes.
- Hey you damn waps! Your english sucks, I've seen chinese people write more clearly than you two clowns! GTFO!
- If by chance you took my profile off Facebook without my knowledge or consent I will contact my attorney and sue you for identity theft! You had better pray that there is no XXXXX XXXXXX anywhere on your site. Got it???
- haw avou
- Hey scumbags you done
- Just letting you know, the link at the top of the page labeled "Complains" should be "Complaints". It is a simple grammatical fix that would improve the overall look and professionalism of site. Good Luck with your endeavor with the new site. XXXXXX XXXXXXXX
- '' -such rascals like u people . Go to hell . Shameless creatures .
- Facebook's director of policy communications Barry Schnitt said to Wired. "We have taken, and will continue to take, aggressive legal action against organizations that violate these terms. We're investigating this site and will take appropriate action.".
- Please remove my picture and name from your site.
- Please, remove me from your database. XXXXXXX XXXXX
- You are a joke! With malformed sql queries et. al. you are being put under scrutiny! facebook shouldn't be an oData feed for you guys! lame and shame!
- Your website doesn't work. There are MySQL connect errors everywhere and there is this nasty looking pedophile on the main page! Really, I'm doubting that this contact form even works when I hit the submit button.
- Gee, can I suggest some Facebook profiles to you? I've been preaching about these issues for years, but some people won't listen until it hits them personally.
- Great social art project!
- Please remove my picture and profile, as I did not give permission for them to be included on your site.
- You got my pic off facebook and i want it removed now!
- Your website has a very significant exploit. HTML code can be inserted into the search box which is then executed on the main page's 'Last keywords searched' section. You should fix this ASAP.
- Just curious, when you stole all of these pictures did you stop to think about all of the husbands/wives/fiances that might be affected by this? My fiance is in the army, and he has been on many deployments, thank god he's in the states so I can explain about why MY info is on a dating site! But what about those that aren't back home, what about when one of their buddies sees his friends wife or fiance on a dating site while he's away? Your thoughtlessness is astounding, of all the things you could have done to experiment with photos why did it have to be a dating site?
- Very clever. :)
- remove all the pictures, and profiles of people, because i am working to defend everybody who is on facebook. even californa law dosent allow this to happen, so please remove all photos of random people from the imternet, or i will sue you, while partnering with facebook, because facebook is located in californa, we can use the law to defend us and say that you are using photos of people without permission.
- Hello, I am the founder and CEo of XXXXXXXXXX, a mobile privacy company, based on nicknames on any mobile phone, reachable through SMS and email. I would like to discuss a potential partnership. If interested, drop me an email. Thanks and have a great weekend. XXXXXX
- I wany my profile removed. It was added from facebook without my permission, and legal actions will be taken unless it is removed. This is a form of identity fraud.
- Shame on you! Thief!
- Hello, I love what you're doing with facebook and scraping names. I've done it before in the past but using other sites. Anyways, I own . I started to develop it but I stopped. I was wondering if you want to buy the domain . It sort of fits your theme, your site and I'm sure you'll get more attention with it. The domain is Get back, XXXX X
- u r dix dix dix from a hole hole hole a place to go go go with yer dix dix dix. suck it, satan!
- why no Americans?
- Please remove my profile from your website. XXXXXXX XXXXXXX
- i saw this on conplaints If you find your picture or data in the website and want it to be removed, ask and we will remove it. THE PROBLEM IS WHO GAVE YOU THE PERMITION TOU USE MY PICTURE? i have already print the privacy of your site and you will learn news from me really soon
- Plz remove my profile or you will face legal action!
- Please take my face off your website or I will sue you. You have the name XXXXXX XXXXXXX.
- I understand this is an experiment but you're litterally using human test subjects against their will. I guess you get this a lot, but - how dare you? Where do you get off thinking you have the right? Seriously...
- Why don't you people go and fuck yourselves? What a useless piece of shit you have created. The article on pointed me to your worthless site. What is the point? That you can fuck over millions of people that never did anything to you? Just to prove to yourself that you can? That really makes you something doesn't it? Just another asshole. Fuck off and die.
- Please remove my picture (profil) from this site. I found my picture under the name "XXXXXXX XXXXXX". thanks in advance!
- Hi! I was really surprised to find my photo and name from your page. I haven´t give my information by myself and I wish that my photo will be removed immediately. Thank you! XXXXX XXXXXX, Finland
- Çok Güzel Şey Yaşamak güzel şey dogrusu Üstelik hava da güzelse Hele gücün kuvvetin yerindeyse Elin ekmek tutmuşsa bir de Hele tertemizse gönlün Hele kar gibiyse alnin Yani kendinden korkmuyorsan Kimseden korkmuyorsan dünyada Dostuna güveniyorsan Iyi günler bekliyorsan hele Iyi günlere inaniyorsan Üstelik hava da güzelse Yaşamak güzel şey Çok güzel şey dogrusu. XXXXX XXXXX XXXXX
- I like to be the member of
- I want you to take my name and picture off your site immediately. You took it without my permission and even put wrong information next to it (I am a she, not a he), causing me psychological harm.
- you should remove the 250000 profiles u have stolen from facebook. i heard this in the news.
- Remove my picture! You dont have rights to keep it here! Remove it immediately!
- i gonna sue you so bad, you gonna have to sell ur ass to pay me.
- intersted to join
- Dear Sirs You have stolen information and picture from my Facebook-profile - but curiously not the information that Im married and not interested in any dating - and I want you to remove it from your database immediatly. Regards, XXXX XXXXXXXX-XXXXX
- You couldn't pay me to use your site... now that i've heard you pillaged all the data you have from Facebook! Good luck with your crappy business model.
- take my profile off of this website. I didn't sign up for this and don't want to be on it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- I am a researcher and professor of new media and I think what you've done is ingenious. This site is an impressive and creative way to draw attention to the message I give my students in class every day: when you put personal information online, you are relinquishing your right to privacy--for the rest of your life. Thank you for promoting media literacy.
- what? No blacks?
- Hello, Please, remove my profile from your site a.s.a.p. ! BR, Mr. XXXXX XXXXXXXXXXX
- You have stolen my identity from facebook. Please take down all information pertaining to XXXX XXXXXX. Please send me confirmation so that I know this has been taken care of. Please also remove my name and photo from Thanks
- How do i get a sisther 4 marriage as a single : age 34, a minsta of God.
- I hope you have good lawyers.
- gdxtrfxdtyxty
- why would anyone use your service when you go ahead and take people from facebook without their knowledge!!!!!!!!! How would these people even know they are on here unless the saw the news article about this!!!!!!! will never use your service ever
- Fuck you low life scum cunts
- What you are doing is wrong and I swear to God that if I find my picture or that of any one I know being used without our permission I will sue for every penney I can get.
- Please immediately remove my image from your website. XXXXX XXXXXXXX
- am XXX from usa i need a honest man of my life that i we tusrt are and that i we get marry with
- Paolo Cirio and Alessandro Ludovico - toerags! Consent is always a good thing!
- Please remove my profile from your site. I did not authorise it.
- I am so glad when I saw this good website but in box Nationality had not my country (Cambodia),can you add?
- This is sick. How can you do this without the consent of the majority of users and expect a positive response from those users?!
- I'm going to sue the hell out of you guys for using my face without permission. Solicitors have been advised.
- I was unable to find my profile, but I am not convinced it is not on your site. Please remove me if it is.
- This site is such a stupid site, did you realize that most of the indonesian women, you gave male names? and pictures of indonesian artist and so on? put on even a dead persons picture...morons...this is site is a fake site, and u are all dickheads...
- May Allah help us from your evil ways. No one should have to ask to be removed. You should not put them up in the first place. You are soon to be removed yourself.
- I Want my picture on your site removed
- hello everyone welcome to
- nigger
- Hi. I can see that my profile from facebook has been ilegaly put into this website. I would like to have my picture and all informations deleted from this place. My name is: XXXXX XXXXX XXXXXX and I am danish.
- great piece!
- contact me please
- Remove "my" profile from this fucking site immediately!! XXXXX XXXXX XXXXXXXX
- In search of cute gal
- Immediately remove my photo and my name from your site! I forbid to you to use my data for your site! You people without shame and conscience! A shame to you! XXXXX XXXXXXXXXX
- Pls remove my profile. I didn't make one. Thanks
- Please remove my profile from your site! Thanks in advance, XXXXX XXXXX from Hungary
- Could you please delete my info from your webpage. Otherwise I will file a suit against you for violation of my privacy and illegal usage of personal data. The same consider please concerning my husband XXXXX XXXXX. Please to it asap.
- I want to know if you scum bags took either my or my husband's facebook information. You will be hearing from our lawyer.
- Hi, I work for Fox News and would like to get a statement from regarding the claims that the website stole 250,000 facebook profiles and posted them on your site. We are doing a story on this and would like to be fair and get this website's representative's side of the story. thank you, XXXXXXXX XXXXX
- Hi guys, I am the CEO of Really interesting project! May I ask what software/solution you used for face recognition? Best XXXX
- please remove my profile picture ass hole
- Please remove my picture
- Please remove my picture
- Please remove any photos of me or found on my site. I am a professional photographer and any photos you use without my permission you are stealing. This site is a joke -- why waste your time when you obviously have the skills to do something meaningful with your time? Thanks, XXX XXXX
- I am contacting you regarding my account from facebook i would like you all two get my picture off of your website i thank you XXXX
- If you have my name XXXXX XXXXXXXX or XXXXX XXXX on here, remove it immediately.
- if you have stolen my mom or I's Facebook pictures (and I haven't found them- we are white, and that is not under 'Nationality') you need to take them down. fuck, you need to just STOP STEALING PICTURES FROM FACEBOOK WITHOUT EVEN ASKING, YOU ASSHOLES!
- If you have my picture from facebook you need to remove it, as that is a lawsuit from my end as well.
- website sucks guys
- Hi, my name is XXXXXX XXXXXX XXXXXXXX and I'd like to ask You to remove my picture and profile from your page. Thank You. XXXXXX
- Hello Lovely Faces Network Security Team, As you may know VeriSign manages the .com/.net infrastructure as well as the A and J root servers. We have recently introduced our own internal DDoS Monitoring and Mitigation services as well as Managed DNS. These are the same services we have utilized to keep the .com/net TLD's as well as the A and J root servers at 100% availability over the last 12+ years. I would like to schedule some time with the appropriate people within your organization to discuss how VeriSign can increase Network Availability and reduce Cyber Threats. Are you available for a quick call later this week? Please let me know what day/time works best for you. Cheers, XXXX XXXXXX X. XXXXXXX Global Account Executive III (O)XXX-XXX-XXXX ©XXX-XXX-XXXX XXXXX Ridgetop Circle Dulles, VA XXXXX
- Please REMOVE my picture and data from your database! Never authorized this kind of thing!
- if you have any refernce to me on this site I am going to file a lawsuit, a class action lawsuit so everyone you stole identities from can collect.
- Identity theft is an international crime
- I read an article that you stole 250,000 profiles from Facebook shame on you!!!!
- Please take XXXX XXXXXX off your site, you bastards. I hope you get AIDS, no make that Super AIDS. Yeah. Sincerely, XXXX "XXX XXX" XXXXXX
- A preemptive warning. My photo is not to be used without my express permission at any time. Should you extract my photo from facebook and use it without my permission I will take every action necessary to shut you down. You have been warned.
- Take my picture off your website.
- So u stole the identities of 250 000 people. Greedy fucks!
- I have discovered that my photo is featured on your website, please remove it immediately as I did not give you permission to use it. XXXXX XXXXXXX
- Please delete and remove all my informations and data. Thanks.
- Please take me down immediatley, I am getting creepy phone calls from a blocked number that saw my profile on a singles site.
- Why do all your profile photos look the same quality, its like thumb nails have all been enlarged and its just faces, very unlikely.
- So you are the guys that stole the Facebook profiles ?
- how to register and arrange a date
- Fuck you.
- You've caused me a great deal of grief by using my face and describing me as "sly". I intend to take this further. You will hear from my attorneys soon. I hope Face Book is also going to nail you. I plan to contact as many of the South Africans you used to form a group to take you to task.
- If I find mine or mine or my girlfriend, XXXXX XXX XXXX on here, I will personally fly over to wherever you are, track you down and cut your balls off...that will be right before I make you eat it. Then I will find your friends, families, loved ones etc... That is no joke...I am from Africa you assholes, we do that shit here. Vigilante justice...
- U guys need to stop fuckin up facebook and learn how to build up ur own chat line because yall r fuckin it up for people who is married and people who are in relationships that is tryna make it work you dumb muthafuckas need to be stopped and vanished off the web real shit but yall really need to be sued and put in jail for fraud and robbery you ignorant dummies lmmfao
- I hereby ask you to remove my picture and any additional data of me off your page.
- Шановні, приберіть, будь ласка, мою фотографію з цього прекрасного сайту. Дякую. З повагою, XXXXXX XXXX XXXXXXXXXX Smug Woman
- My picture is in site (XXXXX XXXXX) could you remove it please.
- Good morning. I want to ask you, if you can remove a profile XXXXX XXXXXXX (XXXXX Easy Going Woman). I haven't created any profile and I really don't want to be here. Thank you XXXXX
- I want my partner
- Can you please remove my name and profile from your website, because i do not know how it came her in the first place. Somebody inbox me this morning to tell me they find my details on this site, please remove this urgent!!! With thanks peppie swart
- Who gave you the permission to use my picture and name? Get my picture out of your fucking site right now. I don't give a shit about your "social experiment" and you have no right to use my personal information on your website. Fuck you and die.
- Acting on behalfe of XXXXXXX XXXXXX. Remove her details of this website within 12 hours or legal actions will be taken. This is disguisting to use peoples details without their permission.
- Please remove my photo.and as fast as possible!
- PLEASE REMOVE MY PICTURE FROM YOUR LIST !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Hello, I am the real person XXX XXXXXXX. This is not my real profile for sure. Can i ask You please to delete this link that i send you as first, because i really don`t want my pictures and personal data to be able to somebody else, but me. Thank you! I hope my application will be upheld. Regards : XXX XXXXXXX
- Please delete my profile : XXXXXXXX XXXXXXX XXXXXXXX-XXXXXXX-British-Mild-Man
- You have to remove all pictures of danish people because you are violating danish law. Failure to comply can result in lawsuit. extract from the Datatilsynet Portrait Photos As the predominant basis requires a consent to publish the portraits on the Internet. The rationale is that such a disclosure could cause inconvenience to the subject, as some people might feel uncomfortable that such images, together with details of name, etc., is made publicly available to everyone who has access to internet, and that this disadvantage outweighs the interest in the publication required by the balancing of interests rule in the statutory § 6, paragraph. 1, No. 7 If a school example. wants to publish photos of people or class pictures of students on its website, it may only happen if, before the publication obtained explicit consent from each student or his parents, depending on student age.
- remove my picture.. i did not give u any permission to put my picture on this site.. please remove!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- I find my picture and my data in your website and I want it to be removed.
- Hi! I just found my profile from your website and I haven´t put it there. Please, remove it immediately!
- Hi! I just found my profile from your website and I haven´t put it there. Please, remove it immediately!
- Just read about what you've done on CNN. Your site is awful, and you people should be tarred and feathered for not only violating facebook's TOS, but by refusing to remove photos "unless someone asks." You are a bunch of horrible, horrible people.
- please remove my face and profile from this site! i did not sign up for this. remove this now!!!
- who's in charge for this bullshit here? please stop this nonsense and delete my profile from this site!!! XXX XXXXXXX
- Where are the options for american, native american, north african, african american, asian american, white, black, yellow, red?
- An American dating website has stolen the personal information of about 250 000 people, including a number of South Africans, from their Facebook profiles and posted it on the dating site without their knowledge. The website,, promises to connect you to a suitable partner. They have divided men and women into categories according to the information they have posted on Facebook. They have categorised them as "climber", "easy going", "funny", "mild", "sly" and "smug".
- This is crime against peoples privacy. I´ve been in contact with police about this matter.
- Hey. I have a profil and a pictur at lovely faces, can you move it for me. I have never made a profil at your side. Thank you. XXXX XXX XXXX
- interested in a link exchange?
- Please remove any photos under the name XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX. I currently have a restraining order against someone and need to be removed from your site.
- remove my photo now!!!!!!!!!!!XXX XXXXXXXXXXXXX
- Dear Sirs, I would like to ask you kindly to remove my name and any other related info from your database.
- I demand to immediately remove my photo from your site! (Page from Ukraine) You allow yourself to illegal stuff! Without respect for you. XXXX XXXXXXXX (XXXX XXXXXXXX)
- You are assholes, stealing people profiles, Fuck you.
- Are you kidding me? remove my name immediately !!! or I will contact my lawyer tomorrow!
- want to set my name at lovely faces
- I would like you to remove mig picture please. I understand that you will try to tell people that facebook is unsafe. Good point. But please stop using my picture and other information about me. Thank you.
- I want to delete my profile from your database.
- hi, can you add my profile in your site my FACEBOOK ID is
- Hi...interesting site, thanks! How do I get your site to classify my photo?
- Remove the above page and any references to me on your site immediately! =A0'Cause if you see me coming ya better run. XXXXX XXXXX is a sly man my ass! Sincerely XXXXX XXXXX
Messages received through
- thanks!
- Good work. I own .info and .net. No, it is not very subtle, but I bought them in a pique over some news of Facebook thievery. Let me know if you are interested in them. Thanks, XXXXX
- "If your identity has been hurt by this website, just write to us and we'll remove your data instantly. This website is a work of art and we're committed to avoiding any related annoyances." How dishonest of you. If you would feel committed to avoid any annoyances you would have asked the users for their consent in the first place.
- I find your tactics vile. For that matter, I find you vile. I refuse to log onto your website, as I don't trust you enough to allow you to inject who-knows-what onto my system -- you've already admitted to being thieves, I can see you experimenting at hacking as well -- so I can't be sure that I was one of your lucky one million. However, if I am, REMOVE MY INFORMATION IMMEDIATELY. Since you would, if you stole my profile, have the attached email address, you won't have to look very hard. The only reply I want from you will be either "we never took your profile" or "we deleted your information". No other response is desired, and no other response will be acknowledged. If you have a problem with Facebook, take it up with Facebook. And stop rationalizing -- Facebook didn't victimize one million people. You did. With utter contempt, XXXXXX XXXXXXXX
- Several of us were perusing your web site and one of the people at the office found persons we know who are under 18. I think you have some legal issues there and might want to carefully review your stolen data. We're going to be looking at your web site a little more carefully to verify that claim and turn the information over to a lawyer for information about what steps should be taken next.
- You two are never permitted to use my likeness for any kind.
- Holy crap. Tone down the red background. I can't even read an article on your website without my eyes starting to bleed. Have mercy on those of us with large screens. Tone it down, or make it gray. Yeesh. And you consider it "art"
- If you added my name to your dating site remove it immediately. If it is or ever was there be prepared for a lawsuit. I'm not kidding. You do not have permission to use my name or identity in any fashion you bottom feeding identity thieves.
- If my name was ever on your site and you remove it that will simply reduce the amount of the lawsuit.
- This action was terrible. Your data will be used by a lot of bad guys who will not say "thank you". Facebook is not safe, but everyone knows. So why did you make it even worse by spreading the data? I can prove that your nose is not save just by knocking you down. According to YOUR logic this is necessary tho make you protect yourself! Otherwise, you think your nose is safe. Isn`t it your logic? Bur it is not mine. According to my logic facebook users are intelligent enaugh to know: "nothig is safe". Or what about prooving that atomic power plants are dangerous by blowing them up? Same stupid logic!
- I have no idea whether or not you've scraped any information on me but, if you have, you will remove it immediately. Your actions are not art. You are creating a platform for harassment by extracting this information and providing it in a consolidated place. Rethink your actions.
- Well it seems the dating site is down, or at least doesn't work on my computer, so I hope you closed it. I don't think you realize how much damage your little prank could have caused ordinary, innocent people. Imagine googling your husband's/wife's or boyfriend's/girlfriend's name (maybe you're for example looking for a copy of an article or post they had written), and you find that they have a profile on a dating site.
- i`m appalled. how can i find out if i`ve been violated by you? there`s NO WAY i`m filling more than my email address on this message, you`re having a laugh asking aren`t you?
- Great work you guys! How was the lovely-faces site shut down? Legal or technical action?
- I have had several dating spam from facebook and a "related" source which I am assuming is because of your company. I would like to be removed. I have had creepy stalker issues! I am uncomfortable at best with the thought of it happening again. Please remove me if you have hacked my information. Thank you!
- Just because a web site CAN be hacked, does not mean that it SHOULD be hacked.
- I don't particularly care how you did it. Hacking is a crime. If my personal information or picture is on here somewhere, you better have good legal counsel!
- If I am in this... I WANT IT REMOVED IMMEDIATELY!!! Just because you have the software for it doesn't make it ethically right for you to hijack someone else's information for your personal usage. It's still stealing without someone's constant.
- screw you.
- hey I read an articel about your work ( I like it - BUT I dont want to be a part of your work (or my picture) In this articel they discribe how sb can get out of your work; I dont want that you using my facebook picture and my stuff for your artwork (despite of I really like it!!!!!) what details / more information do you need to find me and get me out of this?! thank you XXX
- Hi there, My name is XXXX XXXXX, I'm a tech reporter at the XXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX XXXXX. I was wondering if I could talk with one of you guys about your project and why you did it and if expect to hear from Facebook or someone else. Feel free to contact me at XXX XXX XXXX or at Thanks, XXXX
- work of art? stealing is stealing. let me steal your idenity.... done
- Please remove any and all of my profile information and pictures from your site. I wish you all the best. Sincerely, Mr. XXXXXXX XXXXXX XXXXXX
- "Please digit yes?" Is that supposed to be English? In the event you have ANY of my data on your Web site, you have 24 hours to destroy it and any copies (including backups) that you may have created). After that, I'll be filing charges with ever National attorney general where your Web site is accessible, for invasion of privacy, violations of the Data Protection Act, and general mopery.
- Fuck you.
- seems less of an artistic expression (though granted most internet art is conceptual and lacking in formal qualities), than an embaressing joke on the people who you have included. Were they all contacted, or are most of them here because they are not aware of the website's existance? Do most, if contacted, request removal?
- I believe I forgot to include my entire address in my last comment. additionally, is the "cheeziness" of the lovely-faces site intentional?
- You guys are stupid. Non-opt-in programs bring illegitimacy. Expect lots of legal threats.
- Keep up the good work.
- I want to know if I have been posted to here from F.B. and if so, I want my profile deleted and not archived.
- If my information is present on your site please remove it. Thank you.
- OK, why do you do this without consent from the facebook user? If you have my facebook profile information i would request you get it off your website now please. If you have any questions please email me at
- Dear Sirs, You have stolen information and a picture from my Facebook-profile and used it in your project. I want you to remove my information and my picture from the datingpage "lovely faces" immideatly. Regards, XXXX XXXXXXXX-XXXXXX
- Because my profile picture is one of me and my husband. He had a Russian dating service e-mailing him and some website is using my e-mail address to contact me as well. Wish it would stop.
- I would like to find out if my profile has been used on this website. How do I go about doing this? I have NOT authorized anyone to use my profile for anything.
- If my name has been on your site or any of my personal information you owe me $1 billion Canadian for the use of that information. I will be passing along my requirements for compensation to Facebook so that the lawyers involved in the case may bill you accordingly.
- You do not have permission to use my photo and name. Please remove me from your website.
- Please remove my profile, i receive emails from this website
- wery,wery good !!
- I do not wish to be in any other site that I did not fgivepermission to have my info
- I will like you to remove my picture/profile from your website and send me an email when it is done. Best regards XXXX XXXX from Denmark
- You guys are shitheads, and I hope that Mr. Zuckerberg sues you into the poor house. As a communications scholar, I can assure you that I'm familiar with a number of theories and experiments which deal with the notions of privacy, real self, projected self, constructed self, etc. However, any reputable scholar (even including something as distasteful as a "critic") could, and should find a way to get the main point of their argument across, clearly, without affecting thousands of uninvolved (and unwilling) participants. Rot in hell... quite seriously, fuck off... ~XXXXX XXXXXXX
- hei jeg har funnet ut at dere har har lagt ut et bilde av meg som er tatt fra Facebook. Jeg vil gjærne at det blir fjernet så fort så mulig. XXX XXXXXXX XXXXXXX XXXXX XXXXXX
- Please remove the profile with my stolen picture and information. Thank you.
- Hello, I see that your website has been shut down. I´d like to ask you a couple of questions about the project for the Dutch newspaper XXXXX. Can I call you some time tomorrow, or today? Kind regards, XXXXXXX XXXXXXX XXXX XX XXX XXXX XXXX X XXXX XXXX
- Yes
- fuck you mother,sister :D
- You. Are. Amazing.
- just want to send you a note to let you know that I really liked this project. Keep it up against their legal threats, if you wouldn't hit a nerve with them they would not react so strongly... ;-)
- hi, interesting project! I only wanted to advert, that your link number 3 in the references on doesn't lead to the correct website. greetings, XXXX
- Impressed! Big salute! Personally i think the "hacking" could have been simpler, since all you need is names and google. But never the less, great work of art. Worth a humble bow and a tip of a hat. I wish you would have stolen my picture too :D Mayby next time, eh? Good luck with the getting the message through in Finland no media has reported that this was an art"crime" only news were about theft and i can only imagine its the same allaround the globe. Cheers!
- Hi! Great job! Hand in there! XXXX
- Scandalous. You have no respect for people who do not want to be in this site. Shame on you, shame on your mentality.
- I love the daring art work keep it up!
- Amazing project! I have thought about an improvement: why didn't you "learn" the relationships pattern with two people who are "in a relationship", learning the resemblance between the two people, and then suggesting contacts through ? For example : a very smiling guy is dating a blonde, less smiling girl. And it is so for 2,000 people. Then you can suggest to a very smiling guy all the less smiling girl. Bye
- Please remove any information you may have about me from your database.
- Please remove my details from your wretched database immediately. Congratulations on proving the banal point that the internet is untrustworthy. How unfortunate that you have abused the trust of so many to do so. You have my profound contempt. I never want to have anything to do with you again. XXXXX XXXXXXXXXX
- Hi, You guys did the great work. I am very motivated since on being a computer science student I cant think of this and you guys did that. This is awesome dude. I hope you are not any legal trouble. I would suggest to utilize this data and turn into a great BUT free dating website. A question for you: are you planning to put these 100,000 profile for donations on sourceforge? I think it should be okay since thats the public information anyway. Thanks Much appreciated. XXXXX
- I am a single persom .so I need a girl friend
- having had an email from you i must assume that i`ve been hacked. remove it.
- Fuck you ass holes,i hope you will be sued
- Hello, a few day ago I created my facebook profile. Now I know that it was mistake, but i don´t know if my personal infos wasn´t steal. Can i ask - was my personal info stole if i created my account after 27th January 2011 ? Thank you very much
- love will keep us a live
- Hi there, Although I can't say I agree with your practices it does bring about many questions with respect to privacy and security of peoples information online. People don't pay enough attention to it and your experiment shows just that. Sometimes shocking acts have to occur in order to raise awareness and attention to such an issue. Thank you for making this a news worthy story....
- Smart guys
- Hi, About me : I'm XXXXX, 30 yr, single, X.X.. Production, working as a Sr. Design Engineer in XXXX, XXXXX. I do few more things for living :) My native: XXXXXXXX, XXXXXXXXXXX My interest: Internet Surfing, Opensource applications, Joomla CMS I thought of an unique internet business idea overnight (during the night) - while I was traveling back to XXXXXXXX (I was high - Please do not stop reading :)). It may sound foolish to you but I want to beat Google/facebook/MicroSoft. Few days back, my friends told me to write down my ideas so that those will be at-least ready to present to somebody. Recently I saw the movie "The Social Network" inspired...I have started a blog. I have tried to mention the extract of "THE" idea. Please read it from first post in January, This is my blog : This is how I want my website homepage to look like: (Please do not make this link public - I don't want it to be crawled by search engines) How I will convert Google/Facebook users to XXXXXXXXX users?? How to jam Google's/Bing's mechanism? How to convince twitter users?? more importantly how I want to make money & let people earn money from this web application - These are my trade secretes :) Purpose of my blog is to find other 6 key "personalities" (Partners) to make this happen! You could be one of the member - if you like the idea & willing to make it happen. Please keep in touch! Thanks, -XXXXX
- My partner and I have a project that requires a large number of facial images as test data. We were thinking of web-scraping facebook, but it seems you have already done so. Would you consider saving us the trouble and providing us with the data? Of course we would supply the external hard drive(s), pay shipping charges, etc. as well as pay for your time and reasonable costs. I would be happy to provide you with more information on our project. Please email or give me a call at XXX-XXX-XXXX. Many thanks, XXXX
- Facebook is a disgrace. I cannot condone what you do to Facebook but I cannot deny that Facebook is awful. It uses people' s information sharing it with third parties - it;s privacy settings revert to a less safe default mode after each redesign, some Facebook ads contain malware, people trust Facebook when the whole Facebook enterprise makes it's customers real friends unknowingly make the customer vulnerable and also scammers are creating fake profiles. Facebook should CLOSE ITSELF DOWN instead of TRYING TO LIST ON NYSE - all Facebook is - is a profit machine that screws its own customers for profit. Read more:
- How Can i get a member
- all kinds of information send to me.
- I think you did a great thing // I also secretly hope that you can sue Facebook for "disruption" of your "business" because as I see it you made Fair Use of public data to start a legitimate web operation and apparently Facebook lawyers are attempting to stop you from conducting that business(Comedy/Art/or Serious) and by doing so is attempting to disparaging your good name. I only wish I had heard about this before the Facebook legal action// I would have liked to find out my pairing and facial recognition "profile" Sincerely XXXXX "XX" XXXXXX XXXXXXXXXX, Mid North America-ish region
- thats a very good lesson you taught me. please remove my picture.
- the name of the picture is "XXXXXXX XXXXXXX" please remove it.
- how to do this?
- hi
- why is the site offline? long live tactical media :)) XXXX from XXXXXXXXXXX.XXXX
- I wnt a man btwn th age 26 2 30 2 be my lovely one ed intrst .
- I am doing research for a dissertation I am writing about facebook and identity manipulation. Whilst looking I came across your site and just wanted to say that I love your work. I am also into art and am finishing my graphic design degree at the moment. Can you let me know if you exhibit anywhere/ give talks or teach? XXXXX
- please remove me from face book I try for two day to get sign on I fogot my pass word tryed and tryed I just have no luck with it sorry I realy would like to be part of it but it just not working out for me not getting to sign on Thank you for all your help XXX XXXXXX
- I need friends
- Just because I put my information on someone's website, doesn't give you the right to pull it off and use it on your own website; joke or not. I trust Facebook with my information and no one else. If I wanted my information on your website, I would have given it to you. Consider the contents of this message to be confidential, between the two (2) founders of this website and myself and I do not give you permission to recreate, redistribute, broadcast, or duplicate this message through any means, by any means, or for any means other than me notifying you that if you have my information that you need to remove it immediately.
- Hey! Gives 404: Fix or explain. :) ps: kudos.
- Well done! great projects, stuff the big 3 we need more humour less lawyers. regards XXX
- how i ll join this site?
- hello,sir my name is XXXXX XXXXX i have foot a car modle desingh,, ye car paer sai chalti hai can you look tha modle
- what isearth onpoluction. hello,sir my name is XXXXX XXXXX i have foot a car modle desingh,, ye car paer sai chalti hai can you look tha modle
- Hi My company owns and we have a re launch in the next 6 weeks based on the user base of several social networks we bought a few years ago for the new site so it will be a rolling start. It has a lot of USPs and i think it would be interesting to maybe talk to you about what you have done here and the uses it has in a new type of faces search on the new faces site.
- Hello, I'm a student in arts in Belgium. I really like your project and I wanted to do something a little similar but a lot more simple as an exercice for school. A video editing and morphing of facebook profile pictures with this song: So I wanted to ask if you can please send me something like 5000 profile pictures to help me with my little project. I'll of course send you the video I made with these pictures and music. Thanks, best, XXXXX
- Hi As I understand it from looking at your site you did some kind of of facial recognition with the pictures that you scraped?. When we re alaunch we will have a search that throws up pictures of faces based on normal kinds of critera such as distance, sex, interests etc. What would be really good is coming up with a way to click on ones that you find attractive and get similar looking results based on facial features if that is possible?. Could also use this on the site public gallery as well if possible. I am not sure if that is something that you can help with? On another note have they tried to close you down yet? seems they are now going after any domains with face or book in so I dont think your site will be there long before the lawyers come calling. They aquired trademark rights to face from Faceparty and they have been using them to try and closes lots of stuff down. Interestingly enough when we bought a few years back they had been challenged by faceparty using its marks and was not successful XXXX://XXX.XXX.XXX.XX/XXXXX/XX/X-XX/X-XXXX/X-XXXXXXXXX-XXXXXXXX-XXXXXXX/XXXXXX.XXX . We own all the trademarks for faces, have 4 registered that pre date theirs, so in short if your next domain name has faces in it without book or face im sure you will not have a problem lol.
- fuck you this is ilegal
- hola como estas amigo
- Hi there. Some time ago, there was a [broken at the time] link on the site to the source code. Would it be at all possible to have the zip sent to me? I would like to check out the code :-) Thanks, -XXXXXX
- I came across your website when I Googled "stolen profile with pics". I am doing research because there are two fake profiles of my stolen information and pics on two different dating websites that I did not create. I believe the information was taken from online dating profiles I created years ago, and they were stolen to make fake ones on adult dating websites. If I don't prove the fake ones were not created by me then my boyfriend is going to leave me. I never cheated on him or created any profiles since we have been together and yet one website says the profile was created while I was with my boyfriend. In your experience how easy is it to steal an exact profile, and if it possible for someone to also steal account info such as i.p address and login info. I only have a month to prove this so your quick response would really help. Thank you.
- Dear Sir/Madam, I'm XXXXX XXXX from XXXXXXXX ( Currently our online advertising networks serve over 2.1 billion impressions with over 2,000 advertisers spanning 93 countries every month and the numbers are growing rapidly. We provide a performance driven advertising platform for advertisers and publishers to help maximize their ROI. We are committed to the growth and success of our clients through online advertising to deploy effective online marketing campaigns in Asia and around the world. We are interested to explore business opportunities with you in advertising on your sites and hope to have ad campaigns start running on your websites whenever is possible. Let me know if you are interested with it and hopefully we can then move forward with business discussions. For your info, we normally work on a revenue share basis of 60/40 with 30 days payment term either via PayPal or wire transfer. Feel free to mail me for more information or you can add me through Skype (XXXXX-XXXX) or msn (XXXXX.XXXX@XXXXXXX.XXX). Hope to hear from you real soon. Thanks!
- I am XXXXXXXXXX 21 years old.likes play football.swimmingwatching moviez,visiting interesting placez
- hi m happy 2 speak with u
- wh I CAn use or seeing facebook profile.
- i want an orthodox Jewish lady for marriage relationship in Jerusalem,or Germany,or north London. i will be very happy if i am connected to my life partinal.i am from DELTA STATE OF NIGERIA.XXXXXXXXXXXXX
- We thought you would find this interesting: Best regards, XXXXX&XXXX
- HELLO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Any body Help Me.
- my daughter has facebook tried to delete it says two week i do not want the account to be able to be reopened is her email shes only 15 and been talking dirty to 18 and older men please delete her account permently her pass word is XXXXXXXXX thanks her mother
- i want to creat face to face book please send me masage how to creat it
- tejal tu majama 6
- apa ? siba'ji?
- jai un problem : quelqun a mis mes photos dans facebook jai deposè plaint sur lui mais les photos sont partager a un sudo son nom c XXXX . aides moi pour les enlevé svp
- hack me facebook
- I'm currently vacationing in Vietnam and my phone does not have any service over here. I can not log into Facebook because it says my account is temporarily locked due to unrecognization of the computer I am using. If I can't use my phone to recieve the text code, how else am I supposed to log on Facebook? I need to speak to the Facebook team so I can go on my Facebook.
- I have been trying to get an account on facebook so I can talk to my friend, but it keeps saying it is disabled. Or when I do get an account through yahoo to facebook my chat is disabled why? I don't know enough about the computer to have made any violations. Is there any way we can resolve this issue.
- HI how u may GODbless you in the name of jesus
- need to reset my login
- welcom
- s'il vous plait , je voudrais pirater hotmail |